David Grzesik

Visual Effects Artist

David Grzesik

Energy Drink Commercial – 11 – Surface Growth

This post covers the main ice growth across the surface of the can. The post here covers growth of individual spires coming off the main ice covered body of the can.

I wanted the surface growth of the can to be fairly procedural, creating a foundation that is easily controllable that later solvers can be based off of. The method I used here was inspired by Daniel Soo here where he uses the Find Shortest Path node with some noise to develop basic procedural growth. I didn’t even recognize that this node was capable of this behavior, it was a pleasant surprise to find another method to generate growth. Using what I learned from his methods, I put together a basic growth with offset:

This method is great because I can run a bunch of different sets of noise through the Find Shortest Path’s node and quickly get varied behaviors in the growth. I’m currently using Manhattan Worley noise.

I use a combination of the can surface and the noise offset surface and use the growth values as a basic offset between the two, with a bit of remapping to smooth the edge.

I want to add a bit of extra offset to this, as it seems fairly uniform up. Possibly add another set of noise in to slow how long it actually takes to reach the full surface. Would help breakup some of the linearity.

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