CG Integration – 7 – Important Networks and Composite
October 5, 2017
Now that the simulation is basically complete and we have rendered out all of our passes, we have a preliminary composite:
There are still a few kinks to work out and some materials to smooth out but it feels so good to finally have this in scene!
My DOP net, POP Wrangles for “temp” attribute deprecation and viscosity mapping.
Particle Surfacing, pretty straight forward setup.
Layered material network. Using the “temp” attribute to mix between the metal material and the heated metal material.
Network for prepping the bucket. Note attribute promote for the UV coordinates so that they can be transferred to the point cloud.
I believe the next thing to work on is the material, I really want to get them looking really nice. The CG elements definitely stand out a bit, but this is a huge step in the right direction.