CG Integration – 2 – Mutual Collisions?
September 24, 2017
I had a simple oversight to my DOPs network regarding interactions. I had everything piped into a single merge node where the setting “Left Affects Right” was chosen. With this selected there was no mutual communication between the Grains and the RBD object as they collided.

With the new setup the Grains and RBD in theory should mutually interact with each other and then both collide with the ground plane.

However now there seems to be a new problem, now that the grains mutually collide with one another there is a significant error once the particles start to collide.
Its pretty broken. It seems some other people have had this problem too. RBD interactions seem to confuse quite a few users. Some suggested to use a solver other than Bullet and others said to use a regular RBD object as opposed to the Packed RBD Node, different solvers, or an increase in Substeps.
Using an RBD object and increasing substeps as opposed to Packed RBD seemed to solve the problem somewhat, however there is still no mutual interaction between the particles and the RBD. The RBD object just falls straight through and is not slowed or impeded at all by the Grain Sim. Note that this is still using the Bullet Solver for RBD.
It seems that a lot of people have problems with the these mutual interactions. It might be the solver but I’m sure there is something here that I’m missing. There’s always the option to just manually animate it but I would like to do full dynamics. There’s always plan B and C too.